S2 Episode 03 - Part 1

SEP 19, 2021
In the first half of a two-part episode, our host Charnte and SIX members of our SISTERs group book club discuss what brings them joy, how they stay grounded, and how they have benefitted from being part of a sisterhood.
In The Company Of My Sisters by Julia A. Boyd can be purchased online here, or at your local feminist bookstore: www.indiebound.org/book/9780452272460
SISTERs Stories is a project of Women's Resource Center to End Domestic Violence. In this series, SISTERs (Survivors In Service To Extend Resiliency) tell their stories of surviving domestic violence. SISTERs Stories offers listeners a glimpse into their lives, beyond the stigma, myths and assumptions about DV survivors. The goal is to center survivors' stories and broaden the DV conversation to include a focus on their strengths, resiliency, wisdom and varied paths to healing.
If you or someone you love may be experiencing domestic violence, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). If you are local to the Atlanta, Georgia area, call Women's Resource Center to End Domestic Violence at 404-688-9436. Learn more about us at www.wrcdv.org.